Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lousy Labels!!

Have you ever wondered where the phrase 'truth in advertising" came from? I think it is such a catch phrase because of just how little there is out there! It's a sad state when cosmetic and toiletry companies can just slap whatever the hell they want on a bottle, package of diapers, or tube of toothpaste, charge 2 to 6 times AS MUCH for the product, all the while the ingredients in that product are no different than the generic ones in their less natural, organic, pure, products. It's deceitful, underhanded, and in poor taste. Now, I know, this CBC Marketplace clip may not expose the greater issues surrounding Organic/Natural v.s. generic run of the mill products, nor, does it educate the consumer on what their next step should be to fight back against these companies that are literally STEALING money from their pockets, besides "read your labels people", but at the least it brings to light a very important issue. The Canadian government is doing NOTHING to stop this from happening. We the people, must stand up and demand that the regulatory body that oversees the 7 BILLION dollar a year cosmetics and toiletries industry gets tougher on truth in advertising and institutes a law that harmful, possible, carcinogenic, endocrine disruptor type ingredients be CLEARLY indicated on all ingredient lists, and that they come up with a similar system that certifies that the product is indeed ORGANIC and NATURAL....not just because the packaging is green or that some crook decided to dye their diapers a light shade of brown to make them look more "natural". Who's with me????

Peace out.


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